Saturday, 18 January 2014

Blog roundup

In which there is a chicken emergency, as one of my new girls manages to tear her claw.

(Can it still be a roundup if I've only managed one post? Yes, I answer myself, resisting the urge to write Must Try Harder, as I never manage it. One post is quite an achievement!)

Reactions to Home Education

I can't imagine doing that. That would be like hell on earth for me! 
I really didn't know what to say. Maybe something along the lines of "of course, it's like anything - it will suit some families and not others." Horses for courses? except that sounds a bit naff. Unfortunately the conversation ended there - I really wanted to find a point of connection, but by that time I was feeling like a bit of a freak, so we parted ways.

I told Andy when we got home - he pointed me to a verse in 1 Peter:
Since you call on a Father who judges each person's work impartially, live out your time as foreigners here in reverent fear. (17)
What we do and what we believe will make us very strange to lots of people around us - I have to remember to expect that, and not feel bad/take it personally when people react. I want to do my best to answer people graciously, and not make them feel defensive. Sigh. Hopefully it will go better next time!

Wednesday, 15 January 2014

HE moments

9:45AM - Jude (8) and Emily (4) still asleep. Eating breakfast with Isobel and baby Phoebe. Listening to a Tchaikovsky playlist on Spotify (the Ambleside composer for this term). Isobel wants to hear Swan Lake, as she loves the DVD Barbie of Swan Lake. Isobel is listening and keeps saying I know that bit, I know that bit! Phoebe is dancing along. Everyone is laughing. Lovely!